Africa Twin Rides in 2020

I bought a new motorcycle on January 31st 2019, it was is 2018 Honda Africa Twin. I was super excited to pick it up and have many adventures in 2019. Well that didn’t happen, I spent countless hours behind the corporate desk instead. When I finally looked up from the piles of work I found it was almost winter and time to put the bike away, with just over 2,000 kilometers on it. I vowed to ride more in 2020.
Well, 2020 had other plans. After spending the winter looking at possible motorcycle destinations, I had some great mini trips planned, lots of new destinations to see. Then as we all know, Covid hit, the world closed, and my motorcycle plans were on hold. “Essential Travel only” was the constant message on news and social media. “Essential” seemed to have many definitions depending on where you looked, but since the weather was so unpredictable, everything was closed and breathing too close to someone could apparently mean death, staying home didn’t seem like such a bad idea. “I need to ride for my mental health” was another common comment on some motorcycle sites. Somehow filling a tank full of highly a flammable liquid (gasoline), above a hot engine located under your crotch and riding fast with the potential of crashing and spilling the flammable liquid onto the hot engine didn’t seem like something the courts would see as a cure for mental health. So, the bike stayed parked.
After seeing every possible cat meme on Instagram, I had enough of quarantine and decided that I was going for a motorcycle ride. I managed to get out three times in May and did about 1,200 kilometers without venturing any further than Georgian Bay. Ontario is very beautiful and I think I will be seeing a lot more of it in 2020. When you get thrown a curve ball, adapt and overcome, and remember “sometimes you need to burn a tank of gas to get your head on straight”.

Later in June I’ll do a short review of the Africa Twin and hopefully have a few Ontario destinations of interest to share.

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2 Responses to Africa Twin Rides in 2020

  1. Wolfgang says:

    We got the 2019 Africa Twin. What a great bike, we so love it.
    And I totally agree. Burning a tank gas is the best thing against a quarantine.
    Unfortunately we are now in Greece in a total lockdown and not allowed to ride.
    I hope to get on the bike soon, It drives me crazy not being allowed to drive.

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