Synopsis“Motorcycling: A Lifelong Passion”
An engaging and heartfelt written and full color pictorial celebration of 2 Canadian men’s lifelong passion and adventures for motorcycling.
Frank Maloney, and Greg Powell, are fervent motorcyclists who share the two-wheeled dream. As relevant to hard-core veterans as it is to novices and those curious about getting involved in the passionately exciting lifestyle and community/family found in motorcycling.
A unique book combining facts, color pictures and a motorcycle adventure story! A perfect colorful reading adventure as perfect for a coffee table or side case. Additionally, it makes a one of a kind memorable gift for anyone.
Discover :
– Greg’s life changing and at times incredible 65,000 km, 11 month, 14 country solo adventure and journey travelling the four corners of the Americas. From Toronto east to Newfoundland, then west and north to Alaska’s Arctic to the southernmost city in the world, Ushuaia, South America. Go along for the ride as Greg got attacked and robbed, experienced romance and triumphed over the elements, geography, conditions and his own limitations and fears
– The history and development of motorcycling from motorized bicycles to future concepts. Discover famous motorcyclists in history
– Women and motorcycling
– Best types of motorcycles for your specific needs
– Best motorcycle TV shows and movies!
– “Bucket list” motorcycle trips
I am an airline pilot who can’t fly at the moment due to a medical issue. I’ve been struggling to “find my path” during this down time and I keep returning to a motorcycle adventure. I rode my bike from FL to MT two years ago in 1,000 mile fits and starts leaving it in airports and flying back to TX between the motorcycle adventure to work at my pilot job. Now I want to ride from MT to Sayulita MX and maybe beyond. I hadn’t considered just doing it without a group until I read your blog. I prefer to ride alone, but didn’t know if it would be safe. Also, do you have any suggestions re. making $$ writing etc. about the adventure to help fund it? I have a BMW 1150RT (2004). Would parts be tough in MX? I love my bike and don’t want to switch. Thanks,
Hi Greg,
Looking to find a way to contact you regarding your books that are at Indigo Yonge & Eglinton. Could you kindly email me at your earliest convenience?
Thank you!