Road Quotes

People that I meet on the road often say some strange things to me. Here are a few.

“Your bike won’t make it to Prudhoe Bay” – Canada April 2011

“You must have really, really big Balls, Amigo, try to not get shot” – Texas – October 2011

“You really don’t know where you are do you?” – Mexico October 2011

“Sorry you got robbed, that’s Guatemala, want a cookie” – Guatemala October 2011

“If you stay until Christmas you can date my sister”. – El Salvador – November 2011

“I just got deported from Canada, can I change money for you?”  – Honduras 2011

“Just because your bike fits on the sidewalk doesn’t mean you can drive there” – Nicaragua November 2011

“Are you in the witness protection Program” – Costa Rica – November 2011

“Your insurance won’t mean much here. You’re a gringo, which means you have money, any accident will be your fault and you will have to pay.” – Panama December 2011

“Mangos are good for your penis, you should buy three.” Lady selling fruit in Ecuador – December 2011

“Did you ever stop and think that what you’re doing is not normal?” Peru – January 2012

“You have a problem, the solution is money.” – Traffic cop in Peru – January 2012

“Dosent your ass get saddle sore” – Internet chat with a friend from home – January 2012

“People forget that they are actually living, everybody is scared.” – Skype chat with a friend in Moscow Russia. January 2012

“What do you do with your dirty underwear” – Chile, Border Patorl Officer – February 2012

2 Responses to Road Quotes

  1. GR says:

    Thanks for the laugh. Some of those were hilarious, especially the one about the mangos.

    Happy riding!

  2. So, Just what do you do with your dirty underwear?

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