Watching the sun set over the Atlas Mountains I am amazed at how red the landscape has become. The mountains appear as if they are on fire. I had just cycled over 80km that day to reach a rather unique hotel; nestled high up on a mountain side overlooking the small town below. It was here that I first reflected on the excitement of adventure travel. It was here on this mountain side that I knew that I wanted to travel the world; travel to unique places away from the “All Inclusive” resorts. Earlier in the day the group of bicyclists I was part of, stopped in a remote village for lunch after an excruciating uphill ride. I decided to entertain the children that had come to stare at the foreigners by juggling for their amusement. A skill I learn in the months and months of grade 8 detention, juggling always brings a smile to the face of a child. I am approached by a young girl of about 13, dressed in typical Islamic dress, and a friendly smile; “I also know how to juggle” she tells me. Shocked by her perfect English and her juggling ability we spent the rest of my short time there entertaining the children and learning about each others culture.
Although it would be several years before my next “adventure travel” experience the excitement of Morocco always fuelled my wanderlust. I have long forgotten the exact route we took on this trip but the memories are always with me. I tried to find the company that I booked this trip with but I was unsuccessful. There are hundreds of adventure travel companies out there, just “Google” and find one near you if you’re interested in an organized adventure tour.
Morocco is a very beautiful country, with very friendly people. The bicycle allowed us to get off the beaten path and into the heart of the country.