I still haven’t found what I’m looking for

Today I went out searching; searching for a road with many curves. But alas, I found only a few curves and they turned out to be most disappointing. Ontario roadways seem to be designed with efficiency in mind and obviously not designed by a motorcycle enthusiast.  

 Frustrated with the lack of fun turns on this ride the focus was turned to spotting wildlife.  One does not have to drive too far outside of Toronto to find nature. Turkey vultures have to be ugliest of all the birds, and I spotted two of them at the roadside feeding off some fresh road kill. A hawk circles above an open field, a little further up the road is a small pond with Canadian Geese and a couple of ducks. It is not until I stop for gas that I spot the wildest of all the birds, the “biker chick”.

 This “biker chick” was on a 250cc Suzuki Marauder. The bike may have been small but the biker chick commanded a large presence on the road. Somehow I knew that even though my motorcycle could easily overtake hers, it would have been unwise to do so. I eased off the throttle and sheepish followed her until I came upon side road that allowed for a quick detour.

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2 Responses to I still haven’t found what I’m looking for

  1. Jim Price says:

    You will have a great ride through Newfoundland Greg, gonna be hard to keep your eyes on the road for the first tank of gas, stunning views and vistas. Good thing I had my sidekick taking photos along the way. They say to watch out for the moose, we never saw any, but the warnings are there. Good luck and we will follow your blog, looking forward to catching up with you in Halifax in June!

  2. Kam says:

    The real adventure to be had is in Europe, get yourself to Spain, hire a big bike and take off, no feeling like it in the world!, but beware it is the habitat of the lesser known species the “hot Latin biker chick” keep riding.

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