
Anchorage has been one of the greatest stops on this adventure of mine.  Through a former work contact, I was able to meet some truly great people. Great people, who gave me fantastic information on Alaska, opened their home to me and treated me like family.  I was even extra fortunate to be treated to a great tour of the city by two beautiful Russian women, a highlight of my adventure for sure.  Anchorage is a beautiful city with a lot to offer.

All good things must come to an end and I was eventually on the highway heading north towards Prudhoe Bay. The coolest thing happened on the way north, my odometer turned to 30,000 kilometers.  This change happened right in from of “Gorilla Fireworks” in Huston Alaska, a fitting place.

The weather co-operated long enough for me to get some great photos of the Denali mountain range and enjoy one of the most scenic roads in Alaska before stopping for the night.


There is so much to see and do in Anchorage that you could spend months here and not get it all done. I will definitely be coming back.

I just arrived in Denali Park and will be spending the night at The White Moose Lodge.  Located just off the highway this might be a great place for wildlife viewing.  The best part so far has been

that the owner gave me a bucket and a couple of clean rags to wash my bike with.


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One Response to Anchorage

  1. David Kanester says:

    What an amazing trip and to Anchorage already – wow!! The pics are great and the stories even better. I think the tenting is great, cause you just roll over at night and from the riding sleep so soundly and when you wake the air is unbeleivably fresh. The occasional visits from the Moose and Bison and Eagles are just so very neat – Natures friends just checking on you to ensure you had a good sleep. I just love the serenity of the great beautiful mountains with their “halos” from the different cloud shapes and the capes they all wear with the beautiful white snow….

    I am glad to hear you had a Glenlivet at the Salty Dog. It is good to know they have our brand at that destination. Knowing that they have our Brand, may just be enough for me to put that as a destination for me to have to get to. You are having an amazing journey and the destinations are just great times for you to share the experience, but I am sure nothing is as amazing as the journey… have already accomplished an adventure most will never have the courage to start – Congrats again! I l0ok forward to the next posting of your trip.

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