Every day is an adventure

I continue to be amazed at how even the most mundane tasks can turn into an adventure. Shopping for swimming shorts in El Salvador, getting groceries in Nicaragua or doing laundry in Costa Rica have been as much of an adventure as the riding.

Going to the dentist turned out to be an unexpected adventure. I started to get a rather painful toothache when I was leaving Nicaragua and by the time I got to Costa Rica I needed to see and dentist, it was also time for a cleaning anyway. My hygienist couldn’t understand why someone would ride a motorcycle from Canada to Costa Rica, she assumed that I was in the “protection des testigo” (witness protection program). Her wild theories continued until my cavity was filled, the pain was gone and my teeth were clean.  Two hours of amusement and pain relief for only $52.

Manual Antonio National Park in Costa Rica was another adventure. The roads in Costa Rica are slow compared to the rest of Central America; 80km/hr seems to be the high limit on the majority major highways and can drop quickly and in unexpected places. They are also very well maintained making for fast riding if you’re brave enough to risk a $300 USD ticket.  We made it to the National Park without getting a ticket and checked into a cabin surrounded by jungle. The view from the deck was of thick trees, huge leaves and not far off in the distance was the Pacific Ocean. It wasn’t long before a white faced monkey was spotted only a few meters from our balcony. The following morning we did a tour of Manual Antonio National Park. Even without a guide we were able to spot a lot of interesting wildlife, iguanas, another white faced monkey and 2 sloths high in the trees. I have never seen a sloth before except in the zoo, they move a little faster in the wild.

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