As I sit here and looking over my maps, I realize that I have passed the Equator, long ago. I did not see any markers, no big signs and no tourist shops, maybe I was day dreaming again or maybe it was the rain. Maybe I will go back and look for it, or maybe not.
It is Christmas in a few days and I am looking for a place to park myself and the bike and relax. I think I will take a few days off and recharge, give the bike some much needed care and enjoy the warm weather. I have been riding a lot the five days, almost 2,000km. There has been no particular reason for covering this distance I was just enjoying the ride, the days are longer in the southern hemisphere and the bike just kept on going. Fortunately my brain has allowed me to live in the moment, no thoughts of yesterday or tomorrow just the NOW. This has not been an easy thing for me, living in the now, but I am learning. In my previous life as an accountant I could never live in the now, report on the past, budget for the future the only NOW was when things were due. I have to remind myself that I have left that life behind in Canada. So I ride, and ride and now I have a case of Monkey But, so tomorrow I will stop and rest and spend a few days taking in the local culture.
I am also going to focus on my Spanish a lot more. I enjoy speaking another language other than English and take great pride in understanding and being understood, and I want more. Many of my conversations relate to directions, clearing customs, how fast my bike will go, how much the bike cost and more recently “we are going to search you bike for narcotics”. I want a different and meaningful conversation, so I will learn more Spanish.
Ecuador is an amazing country to ride through, the roads are fantastic and the scenery will blow you away. I should have stopped and taken more photos, tomorrow I will for sure. Yesterday I touched the clouds while passing through a mountain range to reach the sea. The clouds were so thick that it was often hard to see and I was careful not to lose focus. At least there were no potholes.
This should do the trick. Lucky for me I have a bottle
Hi Greg,
I have a few buddies spending Christmas in Montinita Ecuador. If you like I can send your their Email addresses, all nice guys riding south as well.
Beautiful pix. It is good you are just enjoying the scenery, but it would be fun to see more pix.
Ara sent email that he heard from you. THAT is a cosmic connection! Glad it worked out.
Here we are!!! Incredible technology… I would still prefer 20 years ago… you know, a pocket full of change for the phone booth, but this is good also as I got to hear from you.
I will e mail you in a bit, just settling ourselves after two shots from the Dr and much antibiotics… bad Flu?… Merry Christmas… yes! Nothing like the present, not an easy task but very doable… You are on the right path my Friend. Be well… Ara and Spirit
Greg – As you know, I too am an accountant – and my motto is Live in the Now ! – so when you say in your previous life as an accountant you could never live in the now – I want you to know you are wrong! And you know you are wrong don’t you? You can be an accountant AND live in the now…….. Think about it on your midlife journey G…… Have a wonderful Xmas – I am envious!!
I am learning a lot on this journey. Including that you can live in the NOW and have an accounting job, I never really knew how before. It has been a journey of discovery in so many ways. Life is good!
Hi Greg, My daughter Yvonne bookmarked your website on my computer last spring before she left Toronto for her cross Canada tour. I have been following you, using my ‘Harley ‘touring book and enjoy your postings. South America looks very interesting. Just wanted to send you Holiday Greetings and best wishes for good adventures in the New Year. Safe riding, keep the rubber down and the chrome up. Hazel
Have a Merry Christmas Greg…
Cold here tonight! 20’s… went through snow quite a bit today… Getting soft!!! Thinking more south very very soon…
Ara and Spirit