Machu Picchu

When I pulled into Cusco all tired and sore some my crashes, I took the first hotel I found with parking and then got information on visiting Machu Picchu. I had not done much research about Machu Picchu before coming to Peru, I knew it was something that I wanted to see and I much prefer learning as I go, it doesn’t spoil the surprise this way.

I was surprised by two things 1. It was much smaller than it appears in photo and 2, it was not as old as I thought. According to my guide it was built in the 1400’s and housed about 500 people.

I took the lazy way up – by train, no 4 day Inca trial hike for me. Coca leaves are overrated, I bought a whole big bag for only $1 and all it did was turn my saliva green, no buzz no extra energy, so I will stick to Red Bull.

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2 Responses to Machu Picchu

  1. Jane Rose says:

    Thanks for the pix! So YOU are the cute guy behind the beard. Won’t it become more comfy as it grows?

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