When I pulled into Cusco all tired and sore some my crashes, I took the first hotel I found with parking and then got information on visiting Machu Picchu. I had not done much research about Machu Picchu before coming to Peru, I knew it was something that I wanted to see and I much prefer learning as I go, it doesn’t spoil the surprise this way.
I was surprised by two things 1. It was much smaller than it appears in photo and 2, it was not as old as I thought. According to my guide it was built in the 1400’s and housed about 500 people.
I took the lazy way up – by train, no 4 day Inca trial hike for me. Coca leaves are overrated, I bought a whole big bag for only $1 and all it did was turn my saliva green, no buzz no extra energy, so I will stick to Red Bull.
Thanks for the pix! So YOU are the cute guy behind the beard. Won’t it become more comfy as it grows?
It did get more comfy, but I haved anyway. Lucky for me it grows back fast, I can always grown another.