View from the back seat

The post below was written by my passenger from this past weekend.

I have not been on a motorcycle since was a teenager. Greg and I had talked about going for a ride for months but with busy schedules and poor weather I really thought it would be spring before I finally got to go on a ride. Last Sunday the weather finally broke and both our schedules were clear and it was time for my ride. We planned a nice ride in the country side to the Forks of the Credit just north of Toronto.

The ride started off with trust, I had confidence in Greg as he has ridden his motorcycle across North and South America and rode other motorcycles in Asia as well. A short Sunday ride did not seem like a big deal, I wasn’t nervous.  I wasn’t nervous until we took the ramp onto the Gardner Expressway and Greg accelerated much too quickly for my liking. I squeezed him, he slowed down, I started to relax until he took the ramp onto the 427, I squeezed him harder this time and he slowed down much quicker. We finally exited the highways and would soon start our country ride. Greg turned to me when we were stopped at the light and asked me if I was ok. When I told him I did not like the highways his response was “don’t worry, I rode this bike for 2 weeks in Lima”, like it was supposed to provide me with some kind of comfort, it didn’t.

The country roads were much more relaxing and scenic. The leaves had fallen and were blowing all around, the air was crisp and I felt comfortable enough to start taking pictures. Once we arrived at the Forks of the Credit I noticed tons of bikes, I guess we had come to a popular spot, I would soon learn why. The road was lots of fun, lots of twists and turns but best of all were the short hills towards the end of the road, it felt like a roller coaster. Greg and I would ride that road 3 times before stopping for a late breakfast at a local restaurant then take several side roads and meander our way back to Toronto.

I hope the weather holds and we can get out again before the snow flies.

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