off the beaten path – Northern Ontario – Part 1


It has been awhile. Awhile since I blogged or had any real rides to blog about. Since I got back from my trip over two years ago I have been finding it hard to find roads that interest me, or maybe more accurately time to find roads that interest me.

I looked at my calendar and found that I had a free weekend. Totally free, no place I had to be and no obligations. Now I just needed a road to ride. Years ago I used to go hunting with my Dad and brother just North West of Sudbury and I remembered the road being difficult and how beautiful it was in the fall. I had never been there in the summer. The road was 500km away and I had only a weekend, it was going to be an early start.

I strapped my tent, some food, camping supplies, and a few other miscellaneous items on my bike and headed north. The first 500km were uneventful, just highway riding and my mind was still on the issues of the past week. Once I hit the gravel road I had a flash back of Alaska, more accurately the haul road to Prudhoe Bay. In the first 10km I felt the bike wobble, just like I did on the haul road, but this time rather than my heart ending up in my throat, I just corrected and continued on. My mind was flooded with memories of Alaska.

I was no more than 30km on the gravel road when I black bear ran across the road in front of me. Exciting!! No time to get the camera out, he was gone into the forest. I should get a Go-Pro. I always seem to be torn as to when I should ride, and when to stop and take pictures of the ride.

After about 80 kilometers I see a sign that says Ritchie Falls Resort. Resort?? Who builds a resort up here, so far away from everything and on such bad road? I needed to check this out. Another 10km down an even worse road, and another bear spotting, I come to what is really a fishing and hunting camp, on a beautiful lake. I find out it has actually been there since 1948, I am also told that there is a “campground” another 5km down the road. I check it out and find 3 trailers and decide that after seeing two bears that this might be a good place to camp for the night, I have rode over 600km today and am a bit tired. I also hope that the dog in the trailer next to me might bark should a bear come around. I pitch my tent, cook my dinner and eventually get in my sleeping bag with my hunting knife right beside me.




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3 Responses to off the beaten path – Northern Ontario – Part 1

  1. hickery says:

    Nice to see you back on the blog………you should have called…..I would have loved to join you…..the north is fantastic….as a matter of fact I will be leading a small group on THE TaMiscaming Loop this weekend. See you at the HUBB meeting….

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