Best Birthday Gift Ever

Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly! Well, apparently my guardian angel can fly 120 km/hr because that is how fast I was going when I hit a pothole in Colombia that should have sent the bike crashing into the pavement. Somehow, through the grace of God, I managed to keep the bike upright and avoided what would have been a very painful crash. Th. e front tire was flat and the rim had a major crack in it and I was in the middle of nowhere

What followed next was quite the adventure and to avoid a rather long story can be read about here  and part two of the adventure can be read about here

Now fast forward several months and an entire continent later and I found myself back in Canada working in Sudbury Ontario and finally replaced the front rim. I decided to keep the rim as it had quite the story behind it with the intention of doing something special with it one day.

Fast forward four years. A lot has happened, I organized a couple of Horizons Unlimited events, I completed three Iron Butt challenges, got married, continued to ride and even bought a second motorcycle, but had done nothing with the rim. In July of this year, on my 45th birthday my wife presented me with the most amazing birthday gift ever, she has the rim made into an end table.Never ride faster than your guardian angel can fly! Well, apparently my guardian angel can fly 120 km/hr because that is how fast I was going when I hit a pothole in Colombia that should have sent the bike crashing into the pavement. Somehow, through the grace of God, I managed to keep the bike upright and avoided what would have been a very painful crash. The front tire was flat and the rim had a major crack in it and I was in the middle of nowhere.
What followed next was quite the adventure and to avoid a rather long story can be read about here and part two of the adventure can be read about here
Now fast forward several months and an entire continent later and I found myself back in Canada working in Sudbury Ontario and finally replaced the front rim. I decided to keep the rim as it had quite the story behind it with the intention of doing something special with it one day.
Fast forward four years. A lot has happened, I organized a couple of Horizons Unlimited events, I completed three Iron Butt challenges, got married, continued to ride and even bought a second motorcycle, but had done nothing with the rim. In July of this year, on my 45th birthday my wife presented me with the most amazing birthday gift ever, she has the rim made into an end table.

table 2

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