I was talking with a friend of mine last night about planning a trip this summer, something we can do in just a few days. He is a new rider, but has taken to the motorcycle like a duck to water so he won’t have any issues with keeping up. I was recently point to a new website for finding and navigating new motorcycle roads called www.apexroads.com and thought I would check it out.  I think it would be a great way for me to plan some trips this summer and discover some new places. I like that it has Canadian as well as US content.

I wanted to see how good esenyurt escort this website was so I started with some areas that I knew, mainly my cottage near Big Chute Ontario and planned trips from there. This web site looks very promising. It listed roads that I knew and a few that I didn’t.  I was a little disappointed to find that Whites Falls Road was not listed as this is a great road to ride, lots of turns with great scenery, but I guess I’ll keep this road to myself.  It would be nice to have a section where people can put suggested routes or comments on the roads, I’m not sure how APEXROADS chooses their roads, but nothing is better than comments from actual riders.

It has a lot of potential and it great to see people dedicating time and effort to the motorcycle community. Check out their website and keep checking back, I Have a feeling it’s going to just get better and better. I’ll know more once Jack Frost finally leaves –  I need to get my bike out of winter storage!

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