Yukon to Alaska




August 9, 2011

After spending almost 24hours in Whitehorse, Yukon I was back on the Alaska Highway going north to Alaska. Whitehorse was a great opportunity to get the oil changed in my bike, for some site seeing and making new friends.  Although it is a small city, Whitehorse has much to offer, several motorcycle dealers including Honda and Harley, several museums, a great walking path along the Yukon River, and very friendly and helpful people.  Although I do not like to ride the same road twice, I consider myself fortunate that I will be passing back this way after Alaska.

Going north on the Alaska Highway I faced only one problem, stop and take a photo or enjoy this awesome road. I stopped as I was approaching Kluane Lake to take a photo and got a great shot, only to discover that the scenery just kept getting better and better. This had to be the most beautiful lake that in my entire adventure for far. The Yukon must be a photographer’s paradise.

August 10, 2011

I spent the night at a cabin on the Alaskan highway run by a French couple. Theymade the best crapes that I have ever had. Who would have thought that in the middle of the Alaskan Highway I would find a French bakery?

Reaching Beaver Creek Yukon in just under an hour was a highlight, as it is the most western city in Canada. I have now been to the most eastern city, Cape Spear Newfoundland and today the most western city in Canada, Beaver Creek Yukon.  Unlike the Cape Spear I was not greeted by a raven haired beauty, instead I had Sid, a kind elderly gentleman with long white hair and a curly moustache working at the information center. Stopping for the customary photo beside the “Welcome to Alaska” sign I head for the US border.  Turning back on the on the highway I look up to see a Raven, flying just above me, keeping pace with the bike but eventually soaring off into the forest.

Border crossing between the US and Canada are generally uneventful, especially on a motorcycle. Except today. The standard questions were asked, standard answers were given.  I reach for my passport as the officer begins to hand it back. Suddenly he retracts his hand taking the passport out of reach.

“Sir do you have any pets with you” he asks

“Pardon? Pets”  I reply

“Yes sir pets”

“You mean like a cat or a dog?”  I ask – remember now I am on a motorcycle, with a backpack strapped across the back seat.

“Sir, do you have any animals or plants with you”

“No sir, no animals or plants”   I respond formally but with a look of puzzlement.

“Enjoy your stay in Alaska”

15 minutes later a black bear pops his head out from behind some shrubs.  This was a much  better “Welcome to Alaska”.


They don’t have a web site but the French Bakery I was talking about is located at Mile 1147/km 1844 Alaska Highway, south of Beaver Creek. They also have an RV Park and tent sites as well as 3 cabins with full bathrooms.

It rained all day today so I did not want to camp. Tonight I stayed at Grandview Lodge and Café & RV Park located at  22518 West Glenn Hwy, Milepost 109.7  their website is www.grandviewrv.com  The cabin I have is amazing with a great view of the mountains and glaciers. Café has great pizza.

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2 Responses to Yukon to Alaska

  1. Steve says:

    Greg – You need to get a map up and running so we can follow your route.


  2. Kevin Sullivan says:

    Greg It seems your off to a great adventure … Keep up with the posts I enjoy reading them. Have fun!

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