Las Vegas

After settling my score with the sand dunes I started heading for Las Vegas. The ride was pleasant as the sun was shining and the traffic was light. Looking in my mirrors I see a Nevada State Trooper patrol car, but this time the lights were not on. It was the first time I had seen a Troopers car without the blue and red flashing lights!

I pulled into Vegas around noon and rode the strip looking for a hotel. The first hotel I stopped at was very affordable but full of shady characters, so I moved further up the strip and found something more reputable. The lights of Vegas were cool during the day, but at night they were something else, quite impressive. I am not sure why they call Las Vegas sin city. There was not anything in Vegas that I have not seen elsewhere, actually it seemed pretty tame to the things I have seen. The people watching was the best part of Vegas, women in their 50’s all excited that they had their photo taken with a wax figure of Jon Bon Jovi, young drunks shouting “yah, Vegas baby” and best of all a man dressed like a bowl of milk accompanied by woman dressed like a cat, pretending to lick him.

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One Response to Las Vegas

  1. Mohammad says:

    Hey Greg

    that’s really good to travel with a moto bike in such amazing places in USA where I always wish to visit one day, I hope you enjoy your journey and to be safe in all your way.
    your friend
    Mohammad from Iran 🙂

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