Volcano top to the Beach

El Salvador – November 5 – 7

After crossing into El Salvador there was one very noticeable change, the roads were smooth. The ride into San Salvador was free of speed bumps and had it not been for the Volcano off in the distance, or the giant dead snake in my path I could have mistaken this road for the Trans-Canada highway.

I had made contact with a local rider and the following morning we set off on a ride together. First stop was breakfast at the Volcano. The road up to the volcano was a bit rough but still a lot of fun.  Half way up we stopped for a view of large crater like lake and some photos. A local lady saw the stickers on my bike and was very impressed that I survived Mexico; she said the news from there was too scary for her to visit there. We continued to climb and eventually stopped at another view point where I could see steam rising from a volcano. Not far off in the distance was the Pacific Ocean, our next stop.

We took a twisty road through a few small towns and thick forest eventually ending on CA-2 close to the ocean. Without speed bumps I was able to finally enjoy some higher speeds. Leaning into s sharp corner at 100km/hr was exhilarating, until I was in total darkness. Without much warning we passed through a tunnel, the first of five tunnels along the CA-2. I could not remember the last time I passed through a tunnel and to have five in a row was really cool. As I accelerated out of the next corner I could see two other motorcycles ahead of me, both wearing white helmets and not moving very fast. When I passed them at 140km/hr I realized that they were police! I checked my mirror, there were no flashing lights, they were not pursuing and nothing became of it. My new friend brought his 11yr old daughter along on the ride and it was the first time I have seen someone text while riding on the back of a motorcycle before (I hope my daughter is reading this and may consider riding for the first time on the back of mine).  We eventually stopped for a rest and some drinks at a spot on the ocean before heading back to San Salvador.

The next morning I decided to head back to the beach and spend a relaxing day soaking up some rays and enjoying the water.


La Guitarra is a great place to stay in El Salvador. Located right on the beach in El Tunco and is only 35km from San Salvador. Room prices start at $15 and end at $35 ($35 get you beach front, for $15 you have to walk 50 meters) www.surfingeltunco.com

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3 Responses to Volcano top to the Beach

  1. Mario Lecha says:

    Great riding with you man, keep on riding , good vibes !!!!

  2. Mario Lecha says:

    Hey man, great riding with you !! keep on riding, good vibes to you !!

  3. Kevin says:

    Hey Greg,

    Thanks again for checking on my bike, I’m looking forward to getting back on the road.

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