Entering Chile

 Entering Chile had to be one of the easiest and sophisticated border crossings of this entire adventure.

 It went like this:

Exit Peru – fill out form, stamp form, stamp passport, Adios Peru

Enter Chile – Stamp passport, fill out form about me, and fill out another form for the motorcycle, bienvenido Chile

There were no “helpers” jumping out from behind buildings, no drunks, no long line ups, simple, easy and uneventful. However, there were also no money changers at the border; I had to drive 22 km into the town of Arica to change my Peru Soles and USD. I was a bit worried about being in Chile without Chilean Pesos and finding a money changer, but this also turned out to be simple. I randomly turned up a street and there was a sign “money exchange”. I changed my Soles and USD without hassle and before the engine of the bike had time to cool. Since it was only 10:30 am I decided to ride through the desert to Iquique and enjoy the beach.

Chile is my 13th country that I have entered on this adventure; the immigration stamp is on the 13th page of my passport. I wonder if this is a sign. Maybe future posts won’t be as boring as this one.

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