Smart Turn Systems – Self Canceling Signals

I could see this as a product I would use. I consider myself a safe and cautious rider, but I am embarrassed to admit to the number to times I have looked down only to find that my signal light is still on and I haven’t made a turn for a really long time. I remember my brother had a self-cancelling signal system in his transport tuck, it seemed standard for that industry so why not other vehicles.

I’m thinking of ordering one of these and checking it out. It’s not too expensive and the on-line manual makes it seem easy to install.  Check out their web-site, I would be interested in your thoughts.

Maybe I can get one for the HU event in September.

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2 Responses to Smart Turn Systems – Self Canceling Signals

  1. Scott Walseman says:

    Looking forward to coming to the Ontario HUMM Event in May ’19. My wife, son, and friend will be joining and have already registered for the event. First time to HUMM event. looking forward to it. I read your about me bio from the HU page. Thanks for this. Also, i just ordered the STS Braking system for our bikes. Looking forward to using it on th trip to the event. Did you order the Turn signal system? How did it work? Did you like it?

    • Greg Powell says:

      Looking forward to meeting you as well. I did not put the use the turn signal system. I decided to offer it as a prize at the HU event.

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