Entering Guatemala

Entering Guatemala from La Mesilla was an easy and simple process. On the Guatemala side everything you needed was side by side and the fees for bringing the motorcycle in were minor. Leaving Mexico and entering Guatemala took less than 45 minutes.

Immediately inside Guatemala I sensed a change in my surroundings; the people were very friendly and waved “Hola” as I passed, the rugged landscape when visible through the fog was amazing and there were far fewer speed bumps making for better riding.I was only 25 kilometers into Guatemala and already felt like this country was going to be the beginning of a new adventure.

My destination for the first night was Huehuetenango city (or Huehue as the locals call it), where I would get my bearings straight and make a plan for my stay in Guatemala. I had heard that due to the heavy rains recently, parts of the Pan American highway were covered by landslides and that it may be several days before the roads were clear. I needed an alternate route and a new plan. For about $30 USD I found myself a luxury hotel complete with doorman, king size bed, hot water and 24 hour security. The next order of business was food and I set out on foot through the narrow busy streets of Huehue. Cafés and restaurants were abundant so it wasn’t long before my hunger was gone.

A contact that I have made here in Guatemala through the Horizons Unlimited web site told me about a lodge/horseback riding place only about 1 hour from Huehue so I decided to go and spend a night there since I was so close. Navigating out of Huehue was a challenge and I think I circled it twice before I was on the right road. One of my wrong turns took me through the open air Sunday markets and in the first breath took in ALL the smells of Guatemala. About an hour later and after zigzagging through another city I was eventually in the small village of “La Capellania” were I took the dirt road to the left. The dirt road turned out to be a mud road, it has been raining for several days and the roads have turned to a soft mud. At one point I had to ride through a puddle so deep that the mud came up to my ankles, but I made it to the lodge. Whenever the riding gets challenging I just say to myself “you have been to Labrador, you have been to Prudhoe Bay, this is nothing.”It’s beautiful here, even with the steady rain, I might stay two nights.


I stayed at this remote lodge with horseback riding, fantastic food and great views. Definitely worth visiting and staying for a few days http://www.unicornioazul.com

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4 Responses to Entering Guatemala

  1. Gavin says:

    Was wondering if you needed insurance on your bike going into the other countries like Guatemala, Honduras, El Salvador, etc? Or was Mexico the only country where insurance was needed?

  2. Greg says:

    Mexico and Panama in Central America. Colombia in South Ameria for sure. In Peru the cops asked me for insurance but I did not have any, so I handed them my Canadian ownership and they were happy. Check out http://www.horizonsunlimited.com for more up to date info

  3. Dallas Serkland says:

    I am planing at trip through Central America by motorcycle south America would be great also. the costs of entering and exiting Guatemala Honduras Nicaragua Costa Rica and panama can you recall these.
    Crossing the Darien Gap how did you do it and what where the costs involved.
    I’ve spent close to three whole years in Honduras so my Spanish is fine, and I’m really looking forward to the trip. I’d like to do if as a group though I think it would cut back on the muggings, numbers always seem to deter that type of behavior.

  4. greg says:

    I dont recall the exact costs but I do remember them being very minimal, I am thinking $40 for border crossing. Crossing the Gap, I took a boat and it cost about $500 http://www.independence-ms.com/ I would highly recommed this company. Flying is also an option but more expensive.

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