Guatemala City

4 countriesOctober 18, 2011

I spent two very relaxing days at Unicornio Azul and if the weather had of been cooperating I might have spent even more time. The heavy rains and fog prevented any horseback riding but I was happy to just relax and enjoy the good food, wine and best of all the company.

The 6km ride back down the mud road seemed much easier the second time even though the mud puddles seemed deeper. Once back in Huehue I had my bike washed and the chain tightened and was back on the road towards Guatemala City.

The heavy rains have caused many landslides along the Pan American Highway blocking lanes and even closing some sections. Fortunately I did not hit any closures but in a few places the highway was reduced to one lane of mud and rocks. I had memories of the Dalton Highway in Alaska. The detour signs and warning signs were not always well placed, making for a hazardous ride. I managed to tuck in behind a delivery truck that served as a great guide around the hazards, but splashed a lot of water. I was soon soaked, cold and ready to call it a day, only 127km from Guatemala City.

Once in the city I met with Julio and his friend Andres, local guys and fellow riders. These guys were kind enough to show me around the city and take me on a fantastic ride. I was nice to ride with other for a change, especially with guys who knew the way to the best spots. Great views of volcanoes and lake, a unique breakfast and riding some fantastic roads made for another great adventure.  I was also able to change my tires in Guatemala City thanks to help from my new friend, Julio.

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