Oasis of my Soul – A Man and his Dog

Every so often people enter your life and make a real impact. On my journey this has happened frequently, it is the people that I have met along the way that make for the greatest stories and have had a far greater impact on my life than the things I have seen or done. There is one person and one dog that I have never met, not yet anyway, who have influenced me a great deal recently.

Ara and his dog Spirit have been travelling around on a motorcycle with a side care for several years. Their journey is unique in many ways, travelling with a dog, using a side car and most importantly is Ara’s published journal. Their trip was born from loss, the loss of Ara’s son. He writes about his thoughts, his feelings and his loss in such a way that you can’t help but read every word and feel differently afterwards.

Ara is the bravest person I know. To put your inner most thoughts on the web for everyone to read takes more courage than most of us have. As a fellow solo rider I relate very well to Ara, there are many days that my mind will wander with thoughts that I would never be brave enough to publish. We all have our daemons to kill, but not all of us are brave enough to write about them, Ara is.  Because of him I may also start to publish some of my own, writing and riding is therapy for the soul.

Ara’s “Daily therapy, publish weekly or so” is an amazing website, his unselfish and open ways will help your own soul after reading what he has published. An excellent photographer and chef, he sells his photos and recipes from his website. Please check it out and if a photo or recipe sparks your fancy please support my new friend and buy it  http://theoasisofmysoul.com/

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2 Responses to Oasis of my Soul – A Man and his Dog

  1. Phil says:

    Met Ara and Spirit several times and we have spent a lot of time talking back and forth. He is on of the reasons by own blog become far more personal.

  2. Jane Rose says:

    Yes, and it starts with the courage to acknowledge those inner thoughts/demons. Keep riding.

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