Entering El Salvador

After 21 days I have left Guatemala, I originally planned on spending on six days. It was hard to say goodbye to Guatemala. Despite what happened to me out at Lake Atitlan I had a great time. I made so many new friends, met really great people and had some amazing rides. My new friends made all the difference in my stay; it was as if I became part of the family.

I decided to stick to the Pan American highway and cross into El Salvador at San Cristobal. As I approached the border I say so many trucks that I thought I made a bad choice to cross here. I drove past all the trucks and parked right at the gate, nobody seemed to mind. After a few line-ups, filling out some forms and checking the VIN number on the bike three times I was out of Guatemala and into El Salvador. Easy.

The highway into San Salvador was smooth and fast, best of all – no speed bumps. I think I might enjoy riding here.


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One Response to Entering El Salvador

  1. Hickery says:

    Hi Greg,

    If you are continuing on to South America look into shipping your bike and yourself on the Stahlratte out of Panama….
    Email addr…. stahlratte@stahlratte.de
    Skype…. stahlrattenskyper
    Mobile…. +50760181613

    I am planning a similar trip for next year and will use this sailboat to get me to Cartagena Columbia…

    Enjoying reading about your adventures…


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